Meet Megan Lamovec
Hi! My name is Megan and I love to explore! My husband is also an avid traveler, and together we’ve been to over 5 continents and 100 countries! Since we’ve been together, we’ve been on some pretty awesome adventures together, including sailing across the Atlantic Ocean on our 42’ catamaran called Blue Infinity and then cruising the Caribbean for a while! Even still, there’s so much more for us to see and explore together.
Since everyone travels differently, I want to get to know you and your travel goals so I can help provide the best experience possible. Whether it’s relaxation, adventure, cultural immersion, or a little of everything, I spend the time to research and put together a package that will help you create the memories of a lifetime.
Education has always been important to me, so I made it a priority to immerse myself in the travel industry and I work hard to stay up-to-date on new and exciting opportunities in travel so I can be the best possible advocate for my clients. In early 2022, I completed my Certified Travel Associate Certificate through The Travel Institute, a world-renown travel credentialing organization. It is a huge milestone for me personally, and I know it serves the best interests of my clients, allowing me to help them make the most of their travel experiences.
I love helping clients make their travel dreams come true as an independent travel advisor with Hey Hey Vacay Travel. I’m here to help curate your experience to your specific preferences and travel style. From the exploratory phase through the return to the real world, when working with me, you will receive top-notch, personalized service every single time!
I look forward to helping you on your next trip!